I'll expand on other yokes in the near future when time permits, but for right now I will put this 1st self explanatory pic here as a start. Well...I guess it does need a tad more info :) This is the yoke & it's plug for the Electrohome GO7 chassis connections with color coded break down.
Red & white are the horizontal winding & can be reversed if pic is mirrored & the same for the brown & gray wires which are the vertical winding, but no other color combination can be made without serious damage being done to the monitor in a split second.
You should note that there is a blank post as many a tech has brought in a monitor with horizontal or vertical collapse only to find they have missed a post & used the air post for one of the sockets.

There are a great number of sites where you can find out how to use a switch to flip on the fly, so I won't go into that except to say that I would use 2 separate switches as some games require only the vertical or horizontal to be flipped while the other remains in the same position. I would also make certain to have the red & white connections insulated to prevent hot burning shocks if accidently touched.
Happy Gaming...........