"If you're looking for information on collecting Arcade Video games and Pinball Machines, you've come to right place. This will also serve as a place to download the Pins & Vids monthly audio show. There is a popular document on how to install a CAP KIT in a video game monitor. " - Al's Home Page

This is the site that I first learned how to do a Cap Kit from. If you haven't read it yet, you should go read it now!

Excellent site with a lot of information concerning Arcade Controls with Tips & Tricks, Tutorials, Wiring and pretty much everything else you need to know to build your own controls! How does this relate to Restoring? Well, if you need to build a new control panel, then you might want to take a look at this.
Want to know how it all started? This is the site to visit. The Dot Eaters covers the history of Video Games and gives a lot of insight into how things progressed. Whether you're a novice or an expert in the hobby of Video Games, this is a Must Read. Be prepared to spend several hours though as this site is packed with information.
From the early 1900's until now, arcade games are covered in an animated timeline that goes from skeeball to pinball to 4d gaming.
The Killer List of Video games is exactly what its name implies. A killer list of video games. This site contains an extensive list of video games including technical information, pictures, etc... If you want information on a specific game then go here.

"Welcome to the home of the "Killer List of Videogames" (KLOV)! This resource will be of primary interest to collectors of coin-operated video games or those people who just want to jog their memories about their favorite games from years past. The information on this web site has been gathered from countless collectors and is always being updated with new titles. If you would like to contribute to this database, please click on the ADD ENTRY link at the top of the page.", - KLOV start page

VAPS is a database of all the collectors around the world. You can find out who has what games, you can find other web sites, and you can list your own if you so desire.

"You have entered the Video Arcade Preservation Society (VAPS) web site. As an organization, VAPS is dedicated to the arcade game collector. This site strives to reflect that by providing collectors, collectors-to-be and enthusiasts a way to resolve their coin-operated informational needs." - VAPS home Page.

"VIDEOTOPIA is the only accurate exploration of the art, science, and history of video games in the world. The exhibit has become a resource for historians, educators, and television & print journalists from around the globe. VIDEOTOPIA has become the principle resource for the appreciation and understanding of this unique combination of art and science.

VIDEOTOPIA includes over 75 restored and new arcade video games - everything from the first ever, to the first to utilize microprocessors, ROM chips, 3-D graphics, etc., right on up to today's greatest simulator games, with all of the classics and favorites in between. VIDEOTOPIA details the evolution of home and arcade video games containing informational kiosks and displays that take visitors through the history and technology in a way that is fun, nostalgic, and educational. " - Videotopia Home Page

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