PCB Identification
Article Date: 4/30/2008
Last Updated on: 6/19/2013
The following is a list of known PCB's taken from the spies web site when it was still around.
If I knew the name of the author I would give them full credit. If you know the author, please let me know. This document has been edited from it's original form.
Alpha Denshi
VR: Champion Baseball
Atari, for the most part, labeled their boards and parts very well. The part numbers for their manuals and ROMs give an excellent overview of most of the games this company has manufactured.
- G: Gallag (Galaga)
- MTD-25, MTD-25: Pro Golf
- PP-1: Popeye
- PWE, PWJ: Pang (Buster Bros.) [89125]
- QB-1: Q*bert
- AV: Avengers
- BD: Black Tiger (Black Dragon)
- BM: 1943
- DMU: Ghouls 'n Ghosts
- EE: Exed Exes (Savage Bees)
- F1:
- FF: Final Fight
- GS: Gunsmoke
- LW: Legendary Wings
- MM: Ghosts 'n Goblins
- MS: Magic Sword
- SA: Side Arms
- SF: Street Fighter
- SF2: Street Fighter II
- SR: 1942
- SS: Son Son
- SZ: Section Z
- V: Vulgus [84602]
- VT: Commando
Data East
- AU: Cobra Command - DE-0138-1, DE-0139-1
- DD: Break Thru
- DE-014B-2, DE-0038B, DE-0125B: Astrofighter
- DE-0083, DE-0084: Lock 'n Chase
- DE-0086-B0, DE-0087-C0: Pro Golf
- DE-0100, DE-0101, DE-0128, DE-0129, DE-0132, DE-0133: BurgerTime
- DE-0135, DE-0136: Bump 'n Jump
- DE=0138, DE-0139:
- DE-0185-0, DE-0186-1: Karate Champ
- DE-0191-0, DE-0190-1: Karate Champ
- DE-0297-3: Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja or RoboCop
- DU: Oscar
- EE: Chelnov: Atomic Runner
- EM: RoboCop
- EP: RoboCop - DE-0297-3, DE-0316-3
- FA: Sly Spy - DE-0322-3
- FU: Crude Buster (Two Crude) - DE-0333-2
- GB: Gate of Doom - DE-0332-2
- GP: RoboCop 2
- GS: Desert Assault
- HD:
- HH: Captain America And The Avengers
- KZ: Fighters History
- LE:
- GV100: Reactor
- GV102: Mad Planets
- GV103: Q*bert
- GV105: Krull
- GV109: M.A.C.H. III
- GV113: Three Stooges
- GV119: Q*bert's Qubes
- GV122: Juno First
- GV134: Curveball
- 316-0206, 316-0651, 316-0652, 316-0653, 316-0654, 316-0655, 316-0656, 316-0657, 316-0658, 316-0659, 316-0660, 316-0661, 316-0662, 316-0663, 316-0664, 316-0665, 316-0666: Carnival
- 316-0246: Invinco / Deep Scan
- 316-0283: Head On 2 / Deep Scan
- 316-0271, 316-0272, 316-0273, 316-0274, 316-0275, 316-0276, 316-0277, 316-0278, 316-0279, 316-0280, 316-0281, 316-0282, 316-0283, 316-0284, 316-0285, 316-0286, 316-0287: Head On 2 / Invinco
- 316-0310, 316-0311, 316-0312, 316-0313, 316-0314, 316-0315, 316-0316, 316-0317, 316-0318: Invinco
- 316-0390: Car Hunt / Deep Scan
- 316-0790, 316-0791, 316-0792, 316-0793, 316-0794, 316-0795, 316-0796, 316-0797, 316-0798, 316-0799, 316-0800, 316-0801, 316-0802, 316-0803, 316-0804, 316-0805: Pulsar
Incredible Technologies
- BLDSTORM: Blood Storm
- TK: Time Killers
- BBM: Atomic Punk (Bomber Man)
- DB: Dragon Breed
- GF: Gun Force
- LR: Lode Runner
- M72: Gallop - Cosmic Cop
- M90: Atomic Punk (Bomber Man)
- M92: In The Hunt
- MP: Moon Patrol
- MQJ:
- MR: Motorace USA
- MT: Major Title
- MT2: Major Title 2
- YF: 10 Yard Fight
- SNX: Kung-Fu Master
- VG: Vigilante
- EX8315: Exerion
- FZ8420: Formation Z (Aeroboto)
- MB8842, MB8845: Astyanax
- NB: Naughty Boy
- PF8203: Pop Flamer
For several years now, Konami has used only board numbers to label their games. Use this list to quickly identify what game board(s) you've got.
- CD: Time Pilot
- GY: Gyruss
- RR: Rock 'n Rope
View the MCR FAQ
- A080-91787-E000: Rampage
- A082-91352-C000: Galaxian
- BP: Blue Print
- DM: Domino Man
- RX: Rally-X
- SH: Satan's Hollow
- SPC: Super Pac-Man (CPU)
- SPV: Super Pac-Man (Video)
- BOS: Bosconian
- DS: Dragon Spirit
- GG: Galaga
- MC: Metro Cross
- PL: Pac-Land
- SH: Splatterhouse
- SK: Sky Kid
- CC: Crazy Climber
- GV: UFO Robo Dangar
- MG: Mag Max
- TC: Terra Cresta
- TF: Terra Force
- YN: Ninja Emaki
- BA: Baseball (Play Choice)
- CHP: Punch Out!
- DJR: Donkey Kong Junior
- DKC: Donkey Kong 3
- GF: Golf (Play Choice)
- GL: Gauntlet (Play Choice)
- GN: The Goonies (Play Choice)
- MDS: Vs. UniSystem or Vs. DualSystem
- MDS-BA: Vs. Baseball
- MDS-DH: Vs. Duck Hunt
- MDS-GF: Vs. Golf
- MDS-GN: Vs. The Goonies
- MDS-HA: Vs. Hogan's Alley
- MDS-SL: Vs. Slalom
- MDS-TE: Vs. Tennis
- NF: 1942 (Play Choice)
- PCH: PlayChoice 10
- PT: Mike Tyson's Punch Out (Play Choice)
- RA: Rush 'n Attack (Play Choice)
- RC: Rad Racer (Play Choice)
- SM: Super Mario Bros. (Play Choice)
- TKG: Donkey Kong
- TMA: Mario Bros.
- TPP: Popeye
- TRS: Radar Scope
- CC-142, CC-143: Spiders
- HT-01A, HT-01B: The Pit
- OBG-OID: Sky Lancer
- OVG-13UA, OVG-50B, OVG-55A, OVG-50C: Crazy Kong
- OVG-34E, OVG-46C: Vastar
- OVG-43B: Espial
- OVG-51A, OVG-54C: Hoccer (HR ROMs)
- OVG-51A, OVG-54C: Springer (ROMs 1-9)
- 171, 172, 202, 203: Moon Cresta
- 834007: Frogger
- 834-0147, 834-0295, 834-0296: Turbo
- 1640, 1695, 5128, 5129, 5130, 5131, 5132, 5133, 5134: Pengo
- 6165, 6166, 6167, 6168, 6169, 6170, 6171, 6172, 6173, 6174, 6175, 6176: Bank Panic
- 6546, 6547, 6548, 6549, 6559, 6588, 6589, 6590, 6591, 6592, 6593, 6594, 6595, 6596: Ninja
- 6921, 6922, 6923, 6924, 6957, 6958, 6959, 6960, 6961, 6962, 6963, 6964, 6965, 6966, 7008: My Hero
- 7040, 7041, 7042, 7043, 7101, 7102, 7104, 7105, 7106, 7107, 7108, 7109, 7110: Shooting Master
- 7120, 7121, 7122, 7123, 7127, 7128, 7129, 7130, 7152, 7153, 7154: Choplifter
- 10120, 10121, 10122, 10123, 10124, 10125, 10126, 10127, 10128, 10129, 10130, 10131, 10132, 10133, 10134, 10135: Space Position
- 10422, 10423, 10424, 10425, 10426: Riddle Of Pytgoras
- 10642, 10643, 10644, 10645. 10646, 10649, 10791, 10792, 10793: Super Hang-On
- 11359, 11360, 11362, 11364, 11365, 11366, 11367, 11368, 11369, 11377: Shinobi
- 12186, 12187, 13187, 13188, 13189, 13190: Bonanza Bros.
- 12378, 12379, 12380, 12381, 12382, 12383, 12384, 12385, 12386, 12387, 12390, 12544, 12545: Golden Axe
- 12616, 12617, 12618, 12619, 12620, 12621, 12622, 12623, 12624, 12625, 12626, 12656, 12657: ESWAT
- 12999, 13000, 13001, 13002, 13003, 13004, 13005, 13006, 13007, 13008, 13009, 13010, 13011, 13012, 13013: MVP
- S-0086-002: Empire City 1931
- SEI-8608: The Lost Castle in Darkmist
- SEI-8712: Dead Angle
- UA0: Thundercade
- UA2: Twin Eagle
- UD2: Downtown
- UP001: Meta Fox
Sharp Image
- BF: Time Soldiers
- DG: P.O.W.
- GT: Prehistoric Isle
- GU: Fighting Golf
- GV: Guerilla War
- IW: Ikari Warriors
- KK: Chopper I
- P: Victory Road
- P5: Mad Crasher [A2005UP01-01, A2005UP02-1, A2005UP03]
- PM88: Paddle Mania [68K-96-1]
- SA: Sky Adventure
- SS: Sky Soldiers
- TD: Touchdown Fever
- V: Vulgus [84602]
- VG: Vanguard
- WW: Bermuda Triangle
- 21J: Double Dragon
- A03: Water Ski
- A14: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A15: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A16: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A17: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A18: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A19: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A20: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A21: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A22: Sea Fighter Poseidon
- A24: Birdie King
- A35: Samurai
- A37: Return Of The Invaders
- A45: Fairyland Story
- A47: Tiger Heli
- A54: Legend of Kage
- A62: Halley's Comet
- A64: LSA Squad (Storming Party)
- A67: Big Event Golf
- A71: Scramble Formation (Tokio)
- A75: Arkanoid
- A77: Alcon (Slap Fight)
- A78: Bubble Bobble
- A80: Cycle Shooting
- A96: Darius
- AA1: Frontline
- AA8: Bio Attack
- AC: Great Swordsman
- AD: Birdie King 2
- AG: Astro Fighter
- AP: Alpine Ski
- AQ: Gladiator
- B: Legend of Kage
- B02: Sky Shark (Flying Shark)
- B03: Super Qix
- B04: Rastan (Rastan Saga)
- B06: Extermination
- B08: Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh
- B14: Speed
- B20: Operation Wolf
- B23: Exzisus
- B25: Pyros (Wardner No Mori)
- B30: Twin Cobra (Kyukyoku Tiger)
- B31: Ninja Warriors
- B33: Continental Circuit
- B35: Kageki
- B41: Bonze Adventure
- B42: Kuri Kinton
- B45: Rally Bike
- B52: Chase HQ
- B61: Superman
- B62: Top Landing
- B65: Truxton
- B67: Operation Thunderbolt
- B73: Heavy Unit
- B77: Aqua Jack
- B81: Nastar Warrior
- B82: Final Blow
- B93: Rambo III
- B96: Plotting
- B99: Crime City
- BA3: Elevator Action
- BO: Super Qix
- C01: Champion Wrestler
- C11: Mega Blast
- C16:
- C20: Puzznic
- C21: Cadash
- C28: ThunderFox
- C47: American Horseshoes
- C57: Space Gun
- C71: Gun Frontier
- C85: Ninja Kids
- CC: Crazy Climber
- CL: Crazy Baloon
- CS: Colony 7
- CX: Complex X
- D: Mr. Do!
- D28: Dead Connection
- D49: Super Cup Finals
- D53: Primetime Fighters
- D89: Space Invaders DX (Japan)
- DF: Defender
- DM: Birdie King 2
- DP: Sub Hunter
- EA: Elevator Action
- EB: Space Seeker
- FL: Front Line
- FS: Flying Shark
- GE: Astro Zone
- GM: Buggy Challenge
- KN: Jungle King
- KN..a: Jungle Hunt
- KS: Kram
- LP: Lupin III
- LR: Lunar Rescue
- LS: Stratovox
- M: Mania Challenge
- MR: Alca Meteor
- MS: Macho Mouse
- MW: Ozma Wars
- N: Renegade
- O15: Zero Wing
- PR: Pit 'n Run
- PS: Polaris
- PV: Space Invaders Part II
- QB: Gladiator
- QC: Gladiator
- QQ: Qix
- QU: Qix
- QX: Qix
- R: Cross Shooter (prototype)
- RFT: Ring Fighter
- RH: Alpine Ski
- RT: Space Chaser
- SD: Space Dungeon
- SS: Zarzon
- TF: Field Goal
- TN: Balloon Bomber
- TS: The Tin Star
- TN: Time Tunnel
- UV: Space Invaders Part II
- WW: Wild Western
- ZA: Zoo Keeper
- ZD: Zarzon
- ZV: Zoo Keeper
- 5803: Bomb Jack
- 6001: Pinball Action
- 6002: Rygar
- 6102: Tee'd Off
- 6215: Ninja Gaiden
- 6217: Silkworm
- 6299:
- TA-0001: Scrambled Eggs
- TA-0002: Eggs
- TA-0003:
- TA-0004:
- TA-0005:
- TA-0006:
- TA-0007: Tag Team Wrestling
- TA-0008:
- TA-0009:
- TA-0010:
- TA-0011:
- TA-0012:
- TA-0013:
- TA-0014:
- TA-0015: Mat Mania
- TA-0016:
- TA-0017:
- TA-0018: Renegade
- TA-0019: Solar Warrior (Xain'D Sleena)
- TA-0020:
- TA-0021: Double Dragon (21J on ROMs)
- TA-0022: Super Dodge Ball
- TA-0023: China Gate
- TA-0024: WWF Superstars
- TA-0025: Championship V'Ball
- TA-0026: Double Dragon II
- TA-0027:
- TA-0028: Combatribes
- TA-0029: Block Out (TF)
- TA-0030: Double Dragon 3
- TA-0031: WWF Wrestle Fest
- 5803: Bomb Jack
- PRE: Pleiades
- O15: Hellfire
- TP018: OutZone
- 83005: Nova 2001
- 89053: Taskforce Harrier
V System
- DU: Super Volleyball [VS-68K-2]
- VS7: Rabbit Punch
- LA: Smash TV (CPU)
- SL: Smash TV (Sound)
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