Contributor Page

I started collecting in 1998, picking up my first machine, a Williams "Defender". From that one game, it's grown into a collection of around 53 arcade games, 2 Pinballs, a token machine and a custom built MP3 Juke Box.  

This contributor has added or contributed to the following PCB's.
Year Released 
PCB Mfg Display Name 
Part Number 
Defender 1980Williams5770-09471-X4
Defender 1980Williams5771-09472
Defender 1980Williams5771-09472
Stargate 1981Williams / Vid Kidz5771-09657-00
Joust 1982Williams5771-09840-00
Bubbles 1982Williams5771-10177-00
Defender 1980Williams5772-09473
Stargate 1981Williams / Vid KidzIC-2001-146
Bubbles 1982Williams5772-09680-00
Joust 1982Williams5772-09680-00
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This contributor has added or contributed to the following Parts.
Part Type 
Part Number 
Part Group 
Grommet 23-6559Centering Spider Grommet for Sinistar and Archrivals Joysticks. 0000Williams
Monitor G07-CBONOTE: This monitor is missing the Dag Wire that goes around the tube and is connected to the neck board.  This is a very important component.  If you are missing that part, you need to find it and add it.G070000Electrohome
Monitor WG6100NOTE: This monitor has the LV2000 upgrade kit installed in it.  The cage is also off the HV section as I was repairing the monitor at the time the pictures were taken.WG61000000Wells Gardner
Joystick    0000Taito
Control Panel MO-2018 Monaco GP Mini Control Panel0000Sega
Monitor Sanyo 20EZ
WARNING! This monitor runs off 100V so do not plug it in to a normal outlet!
Don't let the name fool you.  It might have EZ in the name, but it's probably the hardest monitor to work on due to the amount of things you have to disassemble just to work on it.  
Monitor G19-CDO
Images and description courtesy of Dokert on KLOV. 
  • This monitor has a low impedance yoke, unlike the G07 which has a high impedance yoke.  
  • This monitor has individual headers for both positive and negative sync.
  • It uses a JVC flyback, with a horizontal width coil mounted on top of it. It also employs 2 more with coils directly on the chassis.
  • It uses the same neck socket pinout as the G07.
  •  There are separate controls for H Hold and H Phas. (H Freq)
Monitor WG4901Images courtesy of Krajkerjac. 0000Wells Gardner
Monitor 51056
Information and Images contributed by Chris Silvestri.
Originally in Universal cabinets.  100v monitor. Only markings on it are
the "P.E.I.C." and the neckboard says "Universal". This is also a CR-25
Possibly Model #: 51056
*P.E.I.C. Monitor*
*P.E.I.C. Capacitor List*
33 uf 160v C909
1 uf 160v C908
22uf 160v C907
2.2uf 16v C606
10uf 25v C707
1uf 50v C701
50uf 3.3v C708
1uf 25v C603
330uf 10v C615
10uf 25v C605
100uf 10v C724
3.3uf 25v C733/C727
47uf 16v C614
100uf 160v C725
22uf 50v C735
10uf 160v C730
330uf 16v C726
1000uf 16v C723
10uf 60v C609
10uf 160v C611
10uf 16v C1/C2/C3/C4
10uf 250v C13
100uf 25v C15 *Blue cap
Monitor G05-801B&W Vector Monitor used in Atari Vector Games. 0000Electrohome
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This contributor has added or contributed to the following Repair Logs.
Repair Of 
Stargate CPU RAM Error and Picture Scrambled Broken
Marble Madness Cartridge Garbage on the Playfield Fixed
WG6100 No Picture Fixed
Centipede Marquee Light is dark in the center Fixed
Stargate CPU Bad Rug Pattern Broken
Stargate CPU Double Image Broken
Sanyo 20EZ Warped Image and More Fixed
Qix Image on screen is stretched out vertically. Fixed
WG6100 Tempest Plays Blind Fixed
WG6100 Game is restricted to the lower right corner of the Screen. Fixed
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