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Garbage on the Playfield
Repair of: Marble Madness(Atari Games 1984)
Repair Type: PCB
Status: Fixed
Contributed by: Arcadenut
Garbage on the Playfield and other graphics are messed up.
There was a bent pin on the underside of the PCB that was touching another trace.

Diagnostic/Repair Steps

The following steps were taken to either diagnose or to repair the PCB/Part/Game: 
Garbage on the screen
11/3/2012 1:21:12 PM
One of the games I picked up recently was a Road Blasters, that I have since converted to a Marble Madness. I got the Marble Madness pcb from my friend John Butler about a year or so ago and it was untested. Well, the game does have some issues that I need to fix.

I haven't had any time to work on it as I've been working on several other games plus a few other projects. The game is playable, just not the same though until I fix it. So check back here later to see if I have made any progress.

Convergence Test Screen
11/3/2012 1:21:48 PM
As you can see on the convergence test, there is a problem with the board, as the convergence test should be a normal cross-hatch pattern instead of what you see here.
Jrok was in town and stopped by.  After inspecting the underside of the PCB, he found a pin that was bent over.
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