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Image on screen is stretched out vertically.
Repair of: Qix(Taito America Corporation 1981)
Repair Type: Game
Status: Fixed
Contributed by: Arcadenut
Game powers up, and the image on the screen is really stretched out.
Technically, it's Vertically, but the monitor is mounted vertically, so when you're looking at the game, it's horizontal... 
Did a Cap Kit and Replaced the bad Pots.

Diagnostic/Repair Steps

The following steps were taken to either diagnose or to repair the PCB/Part/Game: 
Cap Kit
11/21/2012 11:22:40 AM
Did a Cap Kit on the Monitor as this was the most likely cause.  After doing the cap kit, the image was still stretched out.  
During the course of doing the cap kit, I noticed a Resistor that was  bit crispy.  I've order replacements and should be here this week. 
Bad Pots
11/24/2012 10:32:59 AM
Turns out the resistor is just fine, and it was bad POTS, so I replaced them, adjusted them and all is good now.
NOTE: once you replace the Pots, you need to make sure they are adjusted otherwise you might not get a picture. 
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Parts Replaced

The following parts were replaced:
Part Name 
Part Location 
Original Part Number 
Price Paid 
Substitution Parts 
Reason For Replacement 
ExpandCap Kit  $7.00 None
ExpandG07 Replacement Pot Kit (4)  $4.00 Defective
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