I went to go get the Side Art plotted for a test to see how close I am before committing to stencils.
I know the left side is almost identical, but the right side is off, I just need to figure out by how much and make the necessary adjustments. It turns out that most places that can plot this size, don't read the drawing files, but rather want a Plot File. So when I get to work on Monday I can create a Plot File and then drop it off to have it plotted. I finished the Wiring harness with only two mistakes!
I got the Up and Down backwards and I didn't wire the +12 to the Sound board. Without +12, you don't get any sound. Once I fixed those, I was rocking! I played it for a while and it kicked my ass BAD!
Guess I'm just going to have to play it A LOT more once its done to show it who's the boss! I brought it back into this world, I can take it back out! I am not using the original power supply, instead I have a Switcher in there and I use Bob Roberts Adapter. It may not be 100% authentic, but this should prove to be more reliable which is more important to me. The only thing that is left now, is to paint it and re-assemble it!
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm getting excited! Found out today that the volume POT for Stargate is 5K. I will need to pick one up from Radio Shack in the morning. The Stargate Marquee and Front Glass should be here by the end of the week!
Keep checking back. Since I now have two Stargate cabs I will be able to sand and paint one and keep the art from the original for comparison. I will take Side by Side shots when that happens.