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Picture wraps around screen.
Repair of: Monitor (Wells Gardner WG4606)
Repair Type: Part
Status: Fixed
Contributed by: Arcadenut
The picture wraps around horizontally and vertically.  The monitor came to me with a single horizontal line.  
I capped the monitor and reflowed the connectors and replaced several transistors (see replaced section).  I also had the Sync wires hooked up incorrectly initially (thus the wrapping issue).   If you have a JAMMA game hooked up to the monitor, you need to make sure you only hook the Sync up to pin 3 of the Negative Sync connector (3 pin connector on the interface board).

Diagnostic/Repair Steps

The following steps were taken to either diagnose or to repair the PCB/Part/Game: 

9/5/2013 4:33:44 PM
Step one was to plug it in and see what happens.  The monitor originally had vertical collapse.  After determining that, I did a cap kit. 
After doing the cap kit, the picture was still better, but still only took up 1/3 of the screen vertically.   I then pulled the XY board from another 4600 and swapped them.  This allowed me to narrow it down to that card.
After that, I followed the 4600 flow chart and started replacing the transistors on the XY card.  The picture then filled the screen, but had Sync issues.
Turns out the sync issues were because I was using my JAMMA rig to test the monitor.  I then decided to just hook it up to my Make Trax (which also has a 4600) in it, and I got a perfect picture after that.
Since I got a perfect picture with the Make Trax, I was able to determine that it was in fact my JAMMA rig being hooked up incorrectly.  Once I fixed that, all was good. 
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Parts Replaced

The following parts were replaced:
Part Name 
Part Location 
Original Part Number 
Price Paid 
Substitution Parts 
Reason For Replacement 
ExpandCaps  $7.00 Diagnostic
ExpandTR305TR305 - XY Board2SA490YLBGLI$1.00 Diagnostic
ExpandTR306TR306 - XY Board2SC1625YLBGLI$1.00 Diagnostic
ExpandTR201TR201 - Interface Board2N3904$0.40 Diagnostic
ExpandTR202TR202 - Interface Board2N3904$0.40 Diagnostic
ExpandTR203TR203 - Interface Board2N3904$0.40 Diagnostic
ExpandTR210TR210 - Interface Board2N3904$0.40 Diagnostic
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