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Tempest Plays Blind
Repair of: Monitor (Wells Gardner WG6100)
Repair Type: Part
Status: Fixed
Contributed by: Arcadenut
Turned my Tempest on the other day and I got no picture.  Was able to coin up the game and play blind.
Rebuilt the monitor.  Upgraded it to an LV2000, replaced Caps, and Diodes D100-D104.

Diagnostic/Repair Steps

The following steps were taken to either diagnose or to repair the PCB/Part/Game: 
Inspected the Monitor
3/2/2013 4:47:24 PM
Pulled the monitor out and it turns out that F100 and F101 are blown.   Going to do a full rebuild the monitor and upgrade to LV2000. 
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Other Repair Logs

These repair logs are related to this repair log.
No Picture
My friend Dan brought his Gravitar over and it was playing blind.
You can hear chatter, see neck glow, but there is no static on the screen.  The monitor was essentially dead.
See Diagnostic steps for full solution. Fixed
Game is restricted to the lower right corner of the Screen. After rebuilding my 6100 for Tempest, I encountered this new issue where the you could see the full game, but it was in the lower right corner of the monitor.  It appears to have full deflection, but it doesn't fill the entire screen.
Had a bad LV2000.  The nice thing about the LV2000 is they will replace it for free if it ever goes bad.  Just luck of the draw that I had a bad one.  Still highly recommended.
The main problem was is it wasn't putting out the proper voltage to the HV section.  The HV section needs +26V DC and -26V DC,  the the LV2000 was only putting out the +26V DC so the monitor was drawing the entire image in the lower right corner.
So if you don't have an LV2000 installed, then the problem is in the Low Voltage section and either fixing the low voltage section, or by upgrading to an LV2000 it will fix this issue.
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