Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:gx400_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0xFFFF65536ROM(/* ROM BIOS */)
0x20000-0x27FFF32768Read/Writegx400_sharedram_word_r, gx400_sharedram_word_w
0x30000-0x3FFFF65536RAM Write, Sharednemesis_charram_word_w, charram
0x52000-0x52FFF4096RAM Write, Sharednemesis_videoram1_word_w, videoram1 (/* VRAM */)
0x53000-0x53FFF4096RAM Write, Sharednemesis_videoram2_word_w, videoram2
0x54000-0x54FFF4096RAM Write, Sharednemesis_colorram1_word_w, colorram1
0x55000-0x55FFF4096RAM Write, Sharednemesis_colorram2_word_w, colorram2
0x56000-0x56FFF4096RAM, Sharedspriteram
0x57000-0x57FFF4096RAM(/* needed for twinbee */)
0x5A000-0x5AFFF4096RAM Write, Sharednemesis_palette_word_w, paletteram
0x5C000-0x5C0012Device Write 8-bitsoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, write, 0x00ff
0x5C402-0x5C4032Read PortDSW0
0x5C404-0x5C4052Read PortDSW1
0x0003LivesActive High
0x00032Active High
0x00023Active High
0x00014Active High
0x00007Active High
0x0018Bonus_LifeActive High
0x001820k 100kActive High
0x001030k 120kActive High
0x000840k 140kActive High
0x000050k 160kActive High
0x0060DifficultyActive High
0x0060EasyActive High
0x0040NormalActive High
0x0020HardActive High
0x0000HardestActive High
0x0080Demo_SoundsActive High
0x0080OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x5C406-0x5C4072Read PortTEST
0x0001Flip_ScreenActive High
0x0001OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x0002PlayersActive High
0x00021Active High
0x00002Active High
0x00f8UnusedActive Low
0x5C800-0x5C8012Device Writewatchdog, watchdog_timer_device, reset16_w (/* probably */)
0x5CC00-0x5CC012Read PortIN0
0x5CC02-0x5CC032Read PortIN1
0x5CC04-0x5CC052Read PortIN2
0x5E000-0x5E0012Writegx400_irq2_enable_word_w (/* ?? */)
0x5E002-0x5E0032Writegx400_irq1_enable_word_w (/* ?? */)
0x5E008-0x5E0092Write NOP(/* IRQ acknowledge??? */)
0x5E00E-0x5E00F2Writegx400_irq4_enable_word_w (/* ?? */)
0x60000-0x7FFFF131072RAM(/* WORK RAM */)
Memory Area:gx400_sound_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x4000-0x7FFF16384RAM, Sharedgx400_shared
0x8000-0x87FF2048RAM, Sharedvoiceram
0xA000-0xAFFF4096Device Writek005289, k005289_device, ld1_w
0xC000-0xCFFF4096Device Writek005289, k005289_device, ld2_w
0xE0001Device Writevlm, vlm5030_device, data_w
0xE0011Device Readsoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, read
0xE0031Device Writek005289, k005289_device, tg1_w
0xE0041Device Writek005289, k005289_device, tg2_w
0xE0051Device Writeay2, ay8910_device, address_w
0xE0061Device Writeay1, ay8910_device, address_w
0xE0071Mask, Write0x1ff8, nemesis_filter_w
0xE0861Device Readay1, ay8910_device, data_r
0xE1061Device Writeay1, ay8910_device, data_w
0xE2051Device Readay2, ay8910_device, data_r
0xE4051Device Writeay2, ay8910_device, data_w

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:audiocpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192400-e03.5lCRC(a5a8e57d) (Fluke: 8873)
Memory Area:k005289
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x00FF256400-a01.fseCRC(5827b1e8) (Fluke: D171)
0x0100-0x01FF256400-a02.fseCRC(2f44f970) (Fluke: EBD0)
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