Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:rocnrope_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x30001Read PortDSW2
0x0003LivesActive High
0x00033Active High
0x00024Active High
0x00015Active High
0x0000255 (Cheat)Active High
0x0004CabinetActive High
0x0000UprightActive High
0x0004CocktailActive High
0x0078DifficultyActive High
0x00781 (Easy)Active High
0x00702Active High
0x00683Active High
0x00604Active High
0x00585Active High
0x00506Active High
0x00487Active High
0x00408Active High
0x00389Active High
0x003010Active High
0x002811Active High
0x002012Active High
0x001813Active High
0x001014Active High
0x000815Active High
0x000016 (Difficult)Active High
0x0080Demo_SoundsActive High
0x0080OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x30801Read PortSYSTEM
0x30811Read PortP1
0x30821Read PortP2
0x30831Read PortDSW1
0x31001Read PortDSW3
0x000720000Active High
0x000620000Active High
0x000530000Active High
0x000440000Active High
0x000350000Active High
0x000260000Active High
0x000170000Active High
0x000080000Active High
0x002040000Active High
0x001850000Active High
0x001060000Active High
0x000870000Active High
0x000080000Active High
0x0040NoActive High
0x0000YesActive High
0x4000-0x402F48RAM, Sharedspriteram2
0x4400-0x442F48RAM, Sharedspriteram
0x4800-0x4BFF1024RAM Write, Sharedrocnrope_colorram_w, colorram
0x4C00-0x4FFF1024RAM Write, Sharedrocnrope_videoram_w, videoram
0x80001Device Writewatchdog, watchdog_timer_device, reset_w
0x80811Device Writetimeplt_audio, timeplt_audio_device, sh_irqtrigger_w (/* cause interrupt on audio CPU */)
0x80821Write NOP(/* ??? */)
0x80831Write NOP(/* Coin counter 1 */)
0x80841Write NOP(/* Coin counter 2 */)
0x81001Device Writesoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, write

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:gfx1
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192rnr_a11.vidCRC(afdaba5e) (Fluke: 919D)
0x2000-0x3FFF8192rnr_a12.vidCRC(054cafeb) (Fluke: E3F6)
0x4000-0x5FFF8192rnr_a9.vidCRC(9d2166b2) (Fluke: 6A97)
0x6000-0x7FFF8192rnr_a10.vidCRC(aff6e22f) (Fluke: 796C)
Memory Area:gfx2
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192rnr_h12.vidCRC(e2114539) (Fluke: 4843)
0x2000-0x3FFF8192rnr_h11.vidCRC(169a8f3f) (Fluke: ADF6)
Memory Area:maincpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x6000-0x7FFF8192rr1.1hCRC(83093134) (Fluke: 068F)
0x8000-0x9FFF8192rr2.2hCRC(75af8697) (Fluke: F22A)
0xA000-0xBFFF8192rr3.3hCRC(b21372b1) (Fluke: 31A2)
0xC000-0xDFFF8192rr4.4hCRC(7acb2a05) (Fluke: D61B)
0xE000-0xFFFF8192rnr_h5.vidCRC(150a6264) (Fluke: 686A)
Memory Area:pal_cpuvidbd
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x00001h100.6g20 Pin chip. Appears to be a PAL. Schematics obsfucated.
Memory Area:proms
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x001F32a17_prom.binCRC(22ad2c3e) (Fluke: 12F6)
0x0020-0x011F256b16_prom.binCRC(750a9677) (Fluke: 0381)
0x0120-0x021F256rocnrope.pr3CRC(b5c75a27) (Fluke: 8120)
Memory Area:tpsound
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x0FFF4096rnr_7a.sndCRC(75d2c4e2) (Fluke: EC8C)
0x1000-0x1FFF4096rnr_8a.sndCRC(ca4325ae) (Fluke: 90CB)
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