Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:main_cpu
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x7FFF32768ROM, Regionmaincpu, 0x10000
0x8000-0xBFFF16384ROM Bankbank1
0xC800-0xC87F128RAM Write, Sharedpalette1_w, paletteram
0xC900-0xC97F128RAM Write, Sharedpalette2_w, paletteram2
0xD000-0xDFFF4096RAM Write, Sharedonetwo_fgram_w, fgram
Memory Area:main_cpu_io
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x00001Read Port, WriteDSW1, onetwo_coin_counters_w
0x0003EasyActive High
0x0002NormalActive High
0x0001HardActive High
0x0000HardestActive High
0x000cDifficultyActive High
0x000cEasyActive High
0x0008NormalActive High
0x0004HardActive High
0x0000HardestActive High
0x00f0CoinageActive High
0x00a06C_1CActive High
0x00b05C_1CActive High
0x00c04C_1CActive High
0x00d03C_1CActive High
0x00108C_3CActive High
0x00e02C_1CActive High
0x00205C_3CActive High
0x00303C_2CActive High
0x00f01C_1CActive High
0x00402C_3CActive High
0x00901C_2CActive High
0x00801C_3CActive High
0x00701C_4CActive High
0x00601C_5CActive High
0x00501C_6CActive High
0x0000Free_PlayActive High
0x0030Coin_AActive High
0x00005C_1CActive High
0x00103C_1CActive High
0x00202C_1CActive High
0x00301C_1CActive High
0x00c0Coin_BActive High
0x00c01C_2CActive High
0x00801C_3CActive High
0x00401C_5CActive High
0x00001C_6CActive High
0x00011Read Port, WriteDSW2, onetwo_soundlatch_w
0x0001UnknownActive High
0x0001OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x0002Demo_SoundsActive High
0x0002OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x0004CommonActive High
0x0000SeparateActive High
0x0000OffActive High
0x0008OnActive High
0x0000NoActive High
0x0010YesActive High
0x0020OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x00001 PlayerActive High
0x00402 PlayerActive High
0x0000OffActive High
0x0080OnActive High
0x00021Read Port, WriteP1, onetwo_cpubank_w
0x0001Joystick UpActive Low
0x0002Joystick DownActive Low
0x0004Joystick LeftActive Low
0x0008Joystick RightActive Low
0x0010Button 1Active Low
0x0020Button 2Active Low
0x0040Button 3Active Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
0x00031Read PortP2
0x0001Joystick UpActive Low
0x0002Joystick DownActive Low
0x0004Joystick LeftActive Low
0x0008Joystick RightActive Low
0x0010Button 1Active Low
0x0020Button 2Active Low
0x0040Button 3Active Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
0x00041Read PortSYSTEM
0x0001Coin 1Active Low
0x0002Coin 2Active Low
0x0004Start 1Active Low
0x0008Start 2Active Low
0x0010Service 1Active Low
0x0020UnknownActive Low
0x0040UnknownActive Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
Memory Area:sound_cpu
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0xF8001Device Readsoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, read
Memory Area:sound_cpu_io
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x00001Device Read/Writeymsnd, ym3812_device, status_port_r, control_port_w
0x00201Device Writeymsnd, ym3812_device, write_port_w
0x00401Device Read/Writeoki, okim6295_device, read, write
0x00C01Device Writesoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, clear_w

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:audiocpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0xFFFF65536sound_progCRC(90aba4f3) (Fluke: 4720)
0x0000-0xFFFF65536sound_progCRC(90aba4f3) (Fluke: 4720)
Memory Area:gfx1
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x7FFFF5242883_graphicsCRC(c72ff3a0) (Fluke: 1B65)
0x80000-0xFFFFF5242884_graphicsCRC(0ca40557) (Fluke: 4682)
0x100000-0x17FFFF5242885_graphicsCRC(664b6679) (Fluke: 8E77)
Memory Area:maincpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x10000-0x2FFFF131072maincpuCRC(83431e6e) (Fluke: 82E3)
Memory Area:oki
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x3FFFF262144sampleCRC(b10d3132) (Fluke: 7171)
0x0000-0x3FFFF262144sampleCRC(b10d3132) (Fluke: 7171)
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