Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:alpha_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0200-0x07FF1536RAM Bank, Sharedbank1, zram0
0x0A00-0x0FFF1536RAM Bank, Sharedbank1, zram1
0x10001Readmhavoc_gamma_r (/* Gamma Read Port */)
0x12001Read Port, Write NOPIN0, (/* Alpha Input Port 0 */)
0x0001SpecialActive High
0x0002SpecialActive High
0x0004SpecialActive High
0x0008SpecialActive High
0x0010UnknownActive Low
0x0020Diag Step/Coin CActive Low
0x00c0SpecialActive High
0x1400-0x141F32RAM, Sharedcolorram (/* ColorRAM */)
0x16001Writemhavoc_out_0_w (/* Control Signals */)
0x16401Device Writeavg, avg_mhavoc_device, go_w (/* Vector Generator GO */)
0x0001OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x0002Demo_SoundsActive High
0x0002OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x000cBonus_LifeActive High
0x000c50000Active High
0x0000100000Active High
0x0004200000Active High
0x0008NoneActive High
0x0030DifficultyActive High
0x0010EasyActive High
0x0000MediumActive High
0x0030HardActive High
0x0020DemoActive High
0x00c0LivesActive High
0x00003 (2 in Free Play)Active High
0x00c04 (3 in Free Play)Active High
0x00805 (4 in Free Play)Active High
0x00406 (5 in Free Play)Active High
0x16801Device Writewatchdog, watchdog_timer_device, reset_w (/* Watchdog Clear */)
0x16C01Device Writeavg, avg_mhavoc_device, reset_w (/* Vector Generator Reset */)
0x0001OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x0002Demo_SoundsActive High
0x0002OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x000cBonus_LifeActive High
0x000c50000Active High
0x0000100000Active High
0x0004200000Active High
0x0008NoneActive High
0x0030DifficultyActive High
0x0010EasyActive High
0x0000MediumActive High
0x0030HardActive High
0x0020DemoActive High
0x00c0LivesActive High
0x00003 (2 in Free Play)Active High
0x00c04 (3 in Free Play)Active High
0x00805 (4 in Free Play)Active High
0x00406 (5 in Free Play)Active High
0x17001Writemhavoc_alpha_irq_ack_w (/* IRQ ack */)
0x17401Writemhavoc_rom_banksel_w (/* Program ROM Page Select */)
0x17801Writemhavoc_ram_banksel_w (/* Program RAM Page Select */)
0x17C01Writemhavoc_gamma_w (/* Gamma Communication Write Port */)
0x1800-0x1FFF2048RAM(/* Shared Beta Ram */)
0x2000-0x3FFF8192ROM Bankbank2 (/* Paged Program ROM (32K) */)
0x4000-0x4FFF4096RAM, Shared, Regionvectorram, alpha, 0x4000 (/* Vector Generator RAM */)
0x5000-0x7FFF12288ROM(/* Vector ROM */)
0x8000-0xFFFF32768ROM(/* Program ROM (32K) */)
Memory Area:gamma_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x07FF2048RAM, Mirror0x1800 (/* Program RAM (2K) */)
0x2000-0x203F64Read/Write, Mirrorquad_pokeyn_r, quad_pokeyn_w, 0x07C0 (/* Quad Pokey read/write */)
0x28001Read Port, MirrorIN1, 0x07ff (/* Gamma Input Port */)
0x0001SpecialActive High
0x0002SpecialActive High
0x000cUnknownActive Low
0x0010Button 2Active Low
0x0020Button 1Active Low
0x0040Button 2Active Low
0x0080Button 1Active Low
0x30001Read, Mirrormhavoc_alpha_r, 0x07ff (/* Alpha Comm. Read Port */)
0x3800-0x38034Read Port, MirrorDIAL, 0x07fc (/* Roller Controller Input */)
0x00ffDialActive High
0x40001Read Port, Write, MirrorDSW2, mhavoc_gamma_irq_ack_w, 0x07ff (/* DSW at 8S, IRQ Acknowledge */)
0x0003CoinageActive High
0x00022C_1CActive High
0x00031C_1CActive High
0x00001C_2CActive High
0x0001Free_PlayActive High
0x000cx1Active High
0x0008x4Active High
0x0004x5Active High
0x0000x6Active High
0x0010x1Active High
0x0000x2Active High
0x00802 each 4Active High
0x00401 each 3Active High
0x00a01 each 4Active High
0x00601 each 5Active High
0x00e0NoneActive High
0x48001Write, Mirrormhavoc_out_1_w, 0x07ff (/* Coin Counters */)
0x50001Write, Mirrormhavoc_alpha_w, 0x07ff (/* Alpha Comm. Write Port */)
0x6000-0x61FF512RAM, Shared, Mirrornvram, 0x1e00 (/* EEROM */)
0x8000-0xBFFF16384ROM, Mirror0x4000 (/* Program ROM (16K) */)

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:alpha
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x5000-0x6FFF8192136025.210CRC(c67284ca) (Fluke: 0CDE)
0x8000-0xBFFF16384136025.216CRC(522a9cc0) (Fluke: F605)
0xC000-0xFFFF16384136025.217CRC(ea3d6877) (Fluke: 34C8)
0x10000-0x13FFF16384136025.215CRC(a4d380ca),page 0+1 (Fluke: 0FD1)
0x14000-0x17FFF16384136025.318CRC(ba935067),page 2+3 (Fluke: 54CF)
0x18000-0x1BFFF16384136025.106CRC(2ca83c76),page 0+1 (Fluke: C9E9)
0x18000-0x1BFFF16384136025.106CRC(2ca83c76),page 0+1 (Fluke: C9E9)
0x1C000-0x1FFFF16384136025.107CRC(5f81c5f3),page 2+3 (Fluke: E274)
0x1C000-0x1FFFF16384136025.107CRC(5f81c5f3),page 2+3 (Fluke: E274)
Memory Area:gamma
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x8000-0xBFFF16384136025.108CRC(93faf210),mirrored to c000-ffff for reset+interrupt vectors (Fluke: A874)
0x8000-0xBFFF16384136025.108CRC(93faf210),mirrored to c000-ffff for reset+interrupt vectors (Fluke: A874)
Memory Area:user1
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x00FF256036408-01.b1BAD_DUMP CRC(5903af03) (Fluke: C706)
0x0000-0x00FF256036408-01.b1BAD_DUMP CRC(5903af03) (Fluke: C706)
0x0000-0x00FF256036408-01.b1BAD_DUMP CRC(5903af03) (Fluke: C706)
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