Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:bwidow_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x2000-0x27FF2048RAM, Shared, Regionvectorram, maincpu, 0x2000
0x6000-0x67FF2048Device Read/Writepokey1, pokey_device, read, write
0x6800-0x6FFF2048Device Read/Writepokey2, pokey_device, read, write
0x70001Device Readearom, atari_vg_earom_device, read
0x78001Read PortIN0
0x0001Coin 2Active Low
0x0002Coin 1Active Low
0x000cUnusedActive Low
0x0020UnknownActive Low
0x0040SpecialActive High
0x0080SpecialActive High
0x80001Read PortIN3
0x0001Joystick LeftActive High
0x0002Joystick RightActive High
0x0004Button 1Active High
0x0008Button 3Active High
0x0010Button 2Active High
0x0020Start 1Active High
0x0040Start 2Active High
0x0080UnusedActive High
0x88001Writebwidow_misc_w (/* coin counters, leds */)
0x88001Read PortIN4
0x00ffUnusedActive Low
0x88401Device Writeavg, avg_device, go_w
0x88801Device Writeavg, avg_device, reset_w
0x88C01Writeirq_ack_w (/* interrupt acknowledge */)
0x89001Device Writeearom, atari_vg_earom_device, ctrl_w
0x8940-0x897F64Device Writeearom, atari_vg_earom_device, write
0x8980-0x89ED110Write NOP(/* watchdog clear */)
Memory Area:spacduel_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x08001Read PortIN0
0x0001Coin 2Active Low
0x0002Coin 1Active Low
0x000cUnusedActive Low
0x0020UnknownActive Low
0x0040SpecialActive High
0x0080SpecialActive High
0x0900-0x09078Readspacduel_IN3_r (/* IN1 */)
0x0905-0x09062Write NOP(/* ignore? */)
0x0A001Device Readearom, atari_vg_earom_device, read
0x0C001Writespacduel_coin_counter_w (/* coin out */)
0x0C801Device Writeavg, avg_device, go_w
0x0D001Write NOP(/* watchdog clear */)
0x0D801Device Writeavg, avg_device, reset_w
0x0E001Writeirq_ack_w (/* interrupt acknowledge */)
0x0E801Device Writeearom, atari_vg_earom_device, ctrl_w
0x0F00-0x0F3F64Device Writeearom, atari_vg_earom_device, write
0x1000-0x10FF256Device Read/Writepokey1, pokey_device, read, write
0x1400-0x14FF256Device Read/Writepokey2, pokey_device, read, write
0x2000-0x27FF2048RAM, Shared, Regionvectorram, maincpu, 0x2000

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:maincpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x2800-0x2FFF2048136010-010.l7CRC(48fd38aa) (Fluke: 333E)
0x3000-0x3FFF4096136010-007.mn7CRC(9754830e) (Fluke: A078)
0x4000-0x4FFF4096136010-008.np7CRC(084aa8db) (Fluke: 8CB1)
0x9000-0x9FFF4096136010-001.d1CRC(cd7e1780) (Fluke: C601)
0xA000-0xAFFF4096136010-002.ef1CRC(dc813a54) (Fluke: 1872)
0xB000-0xBFFF4096136010-003.h1CRC(8e1fecd3) (Fluke: 0800)
0xC000-0xCFFF4096136010-004.j1CRC(c407764f) (Fluke: 77C5)
0xD000-0xDFFF4096136010-005.kl1CRC(4feb6f81) (Fluke: 3563)
0xE000-0xEFFF4096136010-006.m1CRC(f8ad139d) (Fluke: D4CB)
Memory Area:proms
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
Memory Area:user1
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x00FF256136002-125.n4CRC(5903af03) (Fluke: C706)
0x0000-0x00FF256136002-125.n4CRC(5903af03) (Fluke: C706)
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