Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:lucky74_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0xC000-0xCFFF4096RAM, Sharednvram (/* NVRAM */)
0xD000-0xD7FF2048RAM Write, Sharedlucky74_fg_videoram_w, fg_videoram (/* VRAM1-1 */)
0xD800-0xDFFF2048RAM Write, Sharedlucky74_fg_colorram_w, fg_colorram (/* VRAM1-2 */)
0xE000-0xE7FF2048RAM Write, Sharedlucky74_bg_videoram_w, bg_videoram (/* VRAM2-1 */)
0xE800-0xEFFF2048RAM Write, Sharedlucky74_bg_colorram_w, bg_colorram (/* VRAM2-2 */)
0xF000-0xF0034Device Read/Writeppi8255_0, i8255_device, read, write (/* Input Ports 0 & 1 */)
0x0001Poker Hold 1Active Low
0x0002Poker Hold 2Active Low
0x0004Poker Hold 3Active Low
0x0008Poker Hold 4Active Low
0x0010Poker Hold 5Active Low
0x0020SmallActive Low
0x0040Flip SC OffActive Low
0x0080Input HActive Low
0xF080-0xF0834Device Read/Writeppi8255_2, i8255_device, read, write (/* DSW 1, 2 & 3 */)
0x0000NoActive High
0x0001YesActive High
0x0002Bet x 100Active High
0x0000Bet x 150Active High
0x0004Bet x 40Active High
0x0000Bet x 50Active High
0x000090%Active High
0x000887%Active High
0x001084%Active High
0x001881%Active High
0x002078%Active High
0x002875%Active High
0x003072%Active High
0x003869%Active High
0x004066%Active High
0x004863%Active High
0x005060%Active High
0x005857%Active High
0x006054%Active High
0x006851%Active High
0x007048%Active High
0x007845%Active High
0x0000WithoutActive High
0x0080WithActive High
0xF0C0-0xF0C34Device Read/Writeppi8255_3, i8255_device, read, write (/* DSW 4 */)
0x0001Active LowActive High
0x0000Active HighActive High
0x0000AutoActive High
0x0002Auto by PAYOUT SWActive High
0x0004700Active High
0x0000UnlimitedActive High
0x0000NoActive High
0x0008YesActive High
0x0000NoActive High
0x0010YesActive High
0x0000NoActive High
0x0020YesActive High
0x0000HardestActive High
0x0040HardActive High
0x0080NormalActive High
0x00c0EasyActive High
0x0001Coin 1Active Low
0x0002Gamble KeyinActive Low
0x0004Coin 2Active Low
0x0008Coin 3Active Low
0x0010ServiceActive Low
0x0020UnknownActive Low
0x0040UnknownActive Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
0xF1001Device Writesn1, sn76489_device, write (/* SN76489 #1 */)
0xF200-0xF2034Device Read/Writeppi8255_1, i8255_device, read, write (/* Input Ports 2 & 4 */)
0x0001UnknownActive Low
0x0002UnknownActive Low
0x0004Gamble BookActive Low
0x0008Test ModeActive Low
0x0010Gamble PayoutActive Low
0x0020Gamble KeyoutActive Low
0x0040UnknownActive Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
0xF3001Device Writesn2, sn76489_device, write (/* SN76489 #2 */)
0xF4001Device Writeaysnd, ay8910_device, address_w (/* YM2149 control */)
0xF5001Device Writesn3, sn76489_device, write (/* SN76489 #3 */)
0xF6001Device Read/Writeaysnd, ay8910_device, data_r, data_w (/* YM2149 (Input Port 1) */)
0xF700-0xF7012Read/Writeusart_8251_r, usart_8251_w (/* USART 8251 port */)
0xF800-0xF8034Read/Writecopro_sm7831_r, copro_sm7831_w (/* SM7831 Co-Processor */)
Memory Area:lucky74_portmap
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x00056Read/Writecustom_09R81P_port_r, custom_09R81P_port_w (/* custom 09R81P (samples system) */)
0x00FF1RAM(// presumably HS satellite control port (check patched in Lucky 74))

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:adpcm
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0xFFFF65536luckyson.15CRC(b896c87f),location 2n (Fluke: BA9B)
0x0000-0xFFFF65536luckyson.15CRC(b896c87f),location 2n (Fluke: BA9B)
Memory Area:bgtiles
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x7FFF32768luckychi.17CRC(010ffa4a) (Fluke: B82C)
0x8000-0xFFFF32768luckychi.16CRC(15104810) (Fluke: 1521)
0x10000-0x17FFF32768luckychi.18CRC(f2d45e76) (Fluke: 0DB8)
0x18000-0x1FFFF32768luckychi.19CRC(6b0196f3) (Fluke: 467F)
Memory Area:fgtiles
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x7FFF32768luckychi.12CRC(ff934c20) (Fluke: C72E)
0x8000-0xFFFF32768luckychi.11CRC(2fd6fb8a) (Fluke: 7852)
0x10000-0x17FFF32768luckychi.13CRC(c70a6da3) (Fluke: 3451)
0x18000-0x1FFFF32768luckychi.14CRC(b5813b67) (Fluke: 769D)
Memory Area:maincpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0xFFFF65536luckychi.00CRC(3b906f0e) (Fluke: 55AF)
Memory Area:proms
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x00FF256luckyprom.e6CRC(ae793fef) (Fluke: 127E)
0x0000-0x00FF256luckyprom.e6CRC(ae793fef) (Fluke: 127E)
0x0100-0x01FF256luckyprom.e7CRC(7c772d0c) (Fluke: EA29)
0x0100-0x01FF256luckyprom.e7CRC(7c772d0c) (Fluke: EA29)
0x0200-0x02FF256luckyprom.d6CRC(61716584) (Fluke: 9E8D)
0x0200-0x02FF256luckyprom.d6CRC(61716584) (Fluke: 9E8D)
0x0300-0x03FF256luckyprom.d7CRC(4003bc8f) (Fluke: F681)
0x0300-0x03FF256luckyprom.d7CRC(4003bc8f) (Fluke: F681)
0x0400-0x04FF256luckyprom.c6CRC(a8d2b3db) (Fluke: 5B71)
0x0400-0x04FF256luckyprom.c6CRC(a8d2b3db) (Fluke: 5B71)
0x0500-0x05FF256luckyprom.c7CRC(e62fd192) (Fluke: A169)
0x0500-0x05FF256luckyprom.c7CRC(e62fd192) (Fluke: A169)
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