Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:audio_cpu1_io_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x00001Device Writeay1, ay8910_device, address_w
0x00011Device Readay1, ay8910_device, data_r
0x00021Device Writeay1, ay8910_device, data_w
0x00041Device Writeay2, ay8910_device, address_w
0x00051Device Readay2, ay8910_device, data_r
0x00061Device Writeay2, ay8910_device, data_w
0x00081Device Writeay3, ay8910_device, address_w
0x00091Device Readay3, ay8910_device, data_r
0x000A1Device Writeay3, ay8910_device, data_w
0x000C1Device Writeay4, ay8910_device, address_w
0x000D1Device Readay4, ay8910_device, data_r
0x000E1Device Writeay4, ay8910_device, data_w
0x00101Device Writeay5, ay8910_device, address_w
0x00111Device Readay5, ay8910_device, data_r
0x00121Device Writeay5, ay8910_device, data_w
0x00181Device Writesoundlatch2, generic_latch_8_device, write
Memory Area:audio_cpu1_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x80001Device Readsoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, read
Memory Area:audio_cpu2_io_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x00FF256Device Readsoundlatch2, generic_latch_8_device, read
Memory Area:audio_cpu2_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
Memory Area:main_cpu1_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x8000-0x83FF1024RAM, Sharedcolorram
0x8400-0x87FF1024RAM, Sharedvideoram
0xA000-0xA7FF2048RAM, Sharedshare1
0xC0001Read Port, Write NOPDSW2, (/* watchdog reset */)
0xC0801Read Port, WriteSYSTEM, gyruss_sh_irqtrigger_w
0xC0A01Read PortP1
0xC0C01Read PortP2
0xC0E01Read PortDSW1
0xC1001Read Port, Device WriteDSW3, soundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, write
0xC1851Write Only, Sharedflipscreen
Memory Area:main_cpu2_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x20001Write, Read NOPslave_irq_mask_w,
0x4040-0x40FF192RAM Write, Sharedgyruss_spriteram_w, spriteram
0x6000-0x67FF2048RAM, Sharedshare1

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:audio2
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x0FFF4096gyrussk.3aCRC(3f9b5dea),Labeled as "13" (Fluke: 9585)
Memory Area:audiocpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192gyrussk.1aCRC(f4ae1c17),Labeled as "11" (Fluke: 0173)
0x2000-0x3FFF8192gyrussk.2aCRC(ba498115),Labeled as "12" (Fluke: 9918)
Memory Area:gfx1
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192gyrussk.6CRC(c949db10),Labeled as "6" (Fluke: 8E4F)
0x2000-0x3FFF8192gyrussk.5CRC(4f22411a),Labeled as "5" (Fluke: 2DB6)
0x4000-0x5FFF8192gyrussk.8CRC(47cd1fbc),Labeled as "8" (Fluke: CFCF)
0x6000-0x7FFF8192gyrussk.7CRC(8e8d388c),Labeled as "7" (Fluke: BB97)
Memory Area:gfx2
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFF8192gyrussk.4CRC(27d8329b),Labeled as "4" (Fluke: B59A)
Memory Area:maincpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x2000-0x3FFF8192gyrussk.2CRC(a4ec03e4),Labeled as "2" (Fluke: 9AB6)
0x4000-0x5FFF8192gyrussk.3CRC(27454a98),Labeled as "3" (Fluke: 468B)
Memory Area:proms
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x001F32gyrussk.pr3CRC(98782db3),palette (Fluke: 9C42)
0x0020-0x011F256gyrussk.pr1CRC(7ed057de),sprite lookup table (Fluke: 7853)
0x0120-0x021F256gyrussk.pr2CRC(de823a81),character lookup table (Fluke: E75B)
Memory Area:sub
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0xE000-0xFFFF8192gyrussk.9CRC(822bf27e),Labeled as "9" (Fluke: 2A5F)
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