Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:dbz_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x490000-0x491FFF8192Device Read/Writek056832, k056832_device, ram_word_r, ram_word_w (// '157 RAM is mirrored twice)
0x492000-0x493FFF8192Device Read/Writek056832, k056832_device, ram_word_r, ram_word_w
0x498000-0x49FFFF32768Device Readk056832, k056832_device, rom_word_8000_r (// code near a60 in dbz2, subroutine at 730 in dbz)
0x4A0000-0x4A0FFF4096Device Read/Writek053246, k053247_device, k053247_word_r, k053247_word_w
0x4A8000-0x4ABFFF16384RAM Device Write, Sharedpalette, palette_device, write, palette (// palette)
0x4C0000-0x4C00078Device Writek053246, k053247_device, k053246_word_w
0x4C0000-0x4C00012Device Readk053246, k053247_device, k053246_word_r
0x4C4000-0x4C40078Device Writek053246, k053247_device, k053246_word_w
0x4C8000-0x4C80078Device Writek056832, k056832_device, b_word_w
0x4CC000-0x4CC03F64Device Writek056832, k056832_device, word_w
0x4D0000-0x4D001F32Device Writek053936_1, k053936_device, ctrl_w
0x4D4000-0x4D401F32Device Writek053936_2, k053936_device, ctrl_w
0x4E0000-0x4E00012Read PortP1_P2
0x0001Button 3Active Low
0x0002Button 2Active Low
0x0004Button 1Active Low
0x0008Joystick DownActive Low
0x0010Joystick UpActive Low
0x0020Joystick RightActive Low
0x0040Joystick LeftActive Low
0x0080UnknownActive Low
0x0100Button 3Active Low
0x0200Button 2Active Low
0x0400Button 1Active Low
0x0800Joystick DownActive Low
0x1000Joystick UpActive Low
0x2000Joystick RightActive Low
0x4000Joystick LeftActive Low
0x8000UnknownActive Low
0x4E0002-0x4E00032Read PortSYSTEM_DSW1
0x0001Start 2Active Low
0x0002Start 1Active Low
0x0004Service 1Active Low
0x0010Coin 2Active Low
0x0020Coin 1Active Low
0x0040Button 4Active Low
0x0080Button 4Active Low
0x0300DifficultyActive High
0x0100EasyActive High
0x0300NormalActive High
0x0200HardActive High
0x0000HardestActive High
0x0800Flip_ScreenActive High
0x0800OffActive High
0x0000OnActive High
0x4000LanguageActive High
0x0000EnglishActive High
0x4000JapaneseActive High
0x0000OffActive High
0x8000OnActive High
0x4E4000-0x4E40012Read PortDSW2
0x00ffSpecialActive High
0xff00SpecialActive High
0x4E8000-0x4E80012Write NOP
0x4F8000-0x4F801F32Device Read/Write 8-bitk053252, k053252_device, read, write, 0xff00 (// 251 #1)
0x4FC000-0x4FC01F32Device Writek053251, k053251_device, lsb_w (// 251 #2)
0x500000-0x501FFF8192RAM Write, Shareddbz_bg2_videoram_w, bg2_videoram
0x508000-0x509FFF8192RAM Write, Shareddbz_bg1_videoram_w, bg1_videoram
0x510000-0x513FFF16384Device Read/Writek053936_1, k053936_device, linectrl_r, linectrl_w (// ?? guess, it might not be)
0x518000-0x51BFFF16384Device Read/Writek053936_2, k053936_device, linectrl_r, linectrl_w (// ?? guess, it might not be)
0x600000-0x6FFFFF1048576Read NOP(// PSAC 1 ROM readback window)
0x700000-0x7FFFFF1048576Read NOP(// PSAC 2 ROM readback window)
Memory Area:dbz_sound_io_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x00001Write NOP
Memory Area:dbz_sound_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0xC000-0xC0012Device Read/Writeymsnd, ym2151_device, read, write
0xD000-0xD0023Device Read/Writeoki, okim6295_device, read, write
0xE000-0xE0012Device Readsoundlatch, generic_latch_8_device, read

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:audiocpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x7FFF32768222a10.5eCRC(1c93e30a) (Fluke: A19B)
0x0000-0x7FFF32768222a10.5eCRC(1c93e30a) (Fluke: A19B)
Memory Area:gfx3
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFFFF2097152222a08.25kCRC(6410ee1b) (Fluke: 7838)
0x0000-0x1FFFFF2097152222a08.25kCRC(6410ee1b) (Fluke: 7838)
Memory Area:gfx4
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x1FFFFF2097152222a09.25lCRC(f7b3f070) (Fluke: 07D8)
0x0000-0x1FFFFF2097152222a09.25lCRC(f7b3f070) (Fluke: 07D8)
Memory Area:oki
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x3FFFF262144222a03.7cCRC(1924467b) (Fluke: 50D4)
0x0000-0x3FFFF262144222a03.7cCRC(1924467b) (Fluke: 50D4)
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