Memory Map

The following is a memory map that was generated based on the MAME source code (.180).  This information is only as accurate as the MAME driver is.  If you see any errors, please let me know what that error is.
The Memory Area is related to where the information is from (CPU, Sound Board, etc..), and it may also reflect what it has in common with other hardware.
Memory Area:cps2_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x3FFFFF4194304ROM(/* 68000 ROM */)
0x400000-0x40000B12RAM, Sharedoutput (/* CPS2 object output */)
0x618000-0x619FFF8192Read/Writeqsound_sharedram1_r, qsound_sharedram1_w (/* Q RAM */)
0x660000-0x663FFF16384RAM(/* When bit 14 of 0x804030 equals 0 this space is available. Many games store highscores and other info here if available. */)
0x662000-0x6620012RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x662008-0x6620092RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x662020-0x6620212RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x664000-0x6640012RAM(/* Unknown - Only used if 0x660000-0x663fff available (could be RAM enable?) */)
0x700000-0x701FFF8192Write, Sharedcps2_objram1_w, objram1 (/* Object RAM, no game seems to use it directly */)
0x708000-0x709FFF8192Mirror, Read/Write, Shared0x006000, cps2_objram2_r, cps2_objram2_w, objram2 (/* Object RAM */)
0x800100-0x80013F64Write, Sharedcps1_cps_a_w, cps_a_regs (/* mirror (sfa) */)
0x800140-0x80017F64Read/Write, Sharedcps1_cps_b_r, cps1_cps_b_w, cps_b_regs (/* mirror (sfa) */)
0x804000-0x8040012Read PortIN0 (/* IN0 */)
0x804010-0x8040112Read PortIN1 (/* IN1 */)
0x804020-0x8040212Read PortIN2 (/* IN2 + EEPROM */)
0x804030-0x8040312Readcps2_qsound_volume_r (/* Master volume. Also when bit 14=0 addon memory is present, when bit 15=0 network adapter present. */)
0x804040-0x8040412Writecps2_eeprom_port_w (/* EEPROM */)
0x8040A0-0x8040A12Write NOP(/* Unknown (reset once on startup) */)
0x8040B0-0x8040B34Readkludge_r (/* unknown (xmcotaj hangs if this is 0) */)
0x8040E0-0x8040E12Writecps2_objram_bank_w (/* bit 0 = Object ram bank swap */)
0x804100-0x80413F64Write, Sharedcps1_cps_a_w, cps_a_regs (/* CPS-A custom */)
0x804140-0x80417F64Read/Writecps1_cps_b_r, cps1_cps_b_w (/* CPS-B custom */)
0x900000-0x92FFFF196608RAM Write, Sharedcps1_gfxram_w, gfxram (/* Video RAM */)
0xFF0000-0xFFFFFF65536RAM(/* RAM */)
Memory Area:dead_cps2_map
Address RangeLengthFunctionDescription
0x0000-0x3FFFFF4194304ROM(/* 68000 ROM */)
0x400000-0x40000B12RAM, Sharedoutput (/* CPS2 object output */)
0x618000-0x619FFF8192Read/Writeqsound_sharedram1_r, qsound_sharedram1_w (/* Q RAM */)
0x660000-0x663FFF16384RAM(/* When bit 14 of 0x804030 equals 0 this space is available. Many games store highscores and other info here if available. */)
0x662000-0x6620012RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x662008-0x6620092RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x662020-0x6620212RAM(/* Network adapter related, accessed in SSF2TB */)
0x664000-0x6640012RAM(/* Unknown - Only used if 0x660000-0x663fff available (could be RAM enable?) */)
0x700000-0x701FFF8192Write, Sharedcps2_objram1_w, objram1 (/* Object RAM, no game seems to use it directly */)
0x708000-0x709FFF8192Mirror, Read/Write, Shared0x006000, cps2_objram2_r, cps2_objram2_w, objram2 (/* Object RAM */)
0x800100-0x80013F64Write, Sharedcps1_cps_a_w, cps_a_regs (/* mirror (sfa) */)
0x800140-0x80017F64Read/Write, Sharedcps1_cps_b_r, cps1_cps_b_w, cps_b_regs (/* mirror (sfa) */)
0x804000-0x8040012Read PortIN0 (/* IN0 */)
0x804010-0x8040112Read PortIN1 (/* IN1 */)
0x804020-0x8040212Read PortIN2 (/* IN2 + EEPROM */)
0x804030-0x8040312Readcps2_qsound_volume_r (/* Master volume. Also when bit 14=0 addon memory is present, when bit 15=0 network adapter present. */)
0x804040-0x8040412Writecps2_eeprom_port_w (/* EEPROM */)
0x8040A0-0x8040A12Write NOP(/* Unknown (reset once on startup) */)
0x8040B0-0x8040B34Readkludge_r (/* unknown (xmcotaj hangs if this is 0) */)
0x8040E0-0x8040E12Writecps2_objram_bank_w (/* bit 0 = Object ram bank swap */)
0x804100-0x80413F64Write, Sharedcps1_cps_a_w, cps_a_regs (/* CPS-A custom */)
0x804140-0x80417F64Read/Writecps1_cps_b_r, cps1_cps_b_w (/* CPS-B custom */)
0x900000-0x92FFFF196608RAM Write, Sharedcps1_gfxram_w, gfxram (/* Video RAM */)
0xFF0000-0xFFFFEF65520RAM(/* RAM */)
0xFFFFF0-0xFFFFFB12RAM, Sharedoutput (/* CPS2 output */)

ROM Map for this game

This is the ROM map for the game.  This should tell you what address the ROM is at, how big it is, what it's used for.   
Memory Area:audiocpu
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
0x0000-0x7FFF32768vm3.01CRC(f778769b) (Fluke: 3375)
0x28000-0x47FFF131072vm3.02CRC(cc09faa1) (Fluke: 887A)
Memory Area:key
Address RangeLengthLabel/LocationDescription
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