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Platform: Arcade  
Game: Asteroids   Display Type: vector  
Manufacturer: Atari   Resolution (W x H):  
Year Released: 1979   Orientation: H  
Main CPU: M6502   Audio Channels: 1  
# of Players: 1   # of Buttons: 5  
# Simul. Players: 2P alt   Genres: Shooter, Field  
MAME Driver Status: good   MAME Driver Emulation: good  
MAME Driver Sound: good   MAME Driver Color: good  
MAME Driver Graphics: good    
MAME Source File:  

Memory Map for this game

If you need a memory map for your game that you are working on repairing, you can view that with the link below. 

ROMS used by this game

The following is a list of ROMS that are used by this game.  Many games had multiple versions of ROMS.  If you are not sure which version of ROM you have, you can use the ROM Identification Page to upload an image and find out. 
Rom Name Ascending
Rom Size 
Fluke 9010A Signature 
Expand Asteroids (rev 1) found in MAME ROM Set: asteroid1 Released in 1979 in the zip file
Expand Asteroids (rev 2) found in MAME ROM Set: asteroid2 Released in 1979 in the zip file
Expand Asteroids (rev 4) found in MAME ROM Set: asteroid Released in 1979 in the zip file

PCBs for this game

The following is a list of the PCB's used by this game.  Many games had multiple versions of the different PCB's.  For more detailed information about a PCB, click on the Part # link for that PCB.
Part Number 
Stack Part Number 
Pcb Function 
A034986-05 mainboard CPUmkillewald
A034485-01 voltage regulator and audio amplifier AudioAmpmkillewald

Parts for this game

The following is a list of the Parts that can be used by this game.  Many games used the same parts.  For more detailed information about a Part, click on the Part # link for that Part.
Part Number 
Part Type 
Part Group 
G05-801 MonitorB&W Vector Monitor used in Atari Vector Games.Electrohome 

Repair Logs for this game

The following is a list of the Repair Logs for this game.   For more detailed information about a Repair Log, click on the Title link for that Repair Log.
Bright Dot in the center of the screen
Was upgrading my Asteroids board, and I turned the game on to see a single dot in the middle of the screen.  Game coins up and plays blind, but there is no deflection.
Neck glow is present, and the Spot Killer light is lit. 
The plan is to recap the monitor, and replace the deflection transistors. 
Recapped and Replaced all Transistors. Fixed
Loud Hum #2 loud hum heard over game sounds that increases and decreases with volume control replaced LM324N op amp IC located at P12 (rev 05 board) Fixed
some asteroids lose brightness during play some asteroids lose brightness and disappear during play suspect monitor needs to be recapped and transistors replaced.  Unknown
Loud Hum #1 loud hum heard over game sounds replaced big blue capacitor on power supply Fixed
Asteroids No Boot / asteroids not booting P1 & P2 volcano LED solid.
Speaker buzz.
Main PCB LED illuminated.
No display, spotkiller LED sometimes on or dim.

5.05v could be measured at A/R with max adjustment of pot.
Measurement at 5v TP on main board was 4.95.
Chips were warm, no watchdog loop.
All edge connectors & wires had good continuity.
Noticed c5 clip mod was present. Not relevant to repair solution.

Getting to the point. Even though DC voltages were okay measured at the A/R board, AC test of big blue indicated presence of 3VAC.
Big blue was original, manufactured 1978. Replaced with new.
Board now boots , responds to input, plays all sounds, p1 & p2 have good blink. Screen has display and spot killer is off, but horizontal collapse is present ("G05-801").
Asteroids No Boot / asteroids not booting P1 & P2 volcano LED solid.
Speaker buzz.
Main PCB LED illuminated.
No display, spotkiller LED sometimes on or dim.

5.05v could be measured at A/R with max adjustment of pot.
Measurement at 5v TP on main board was 4.95.
Chips were warm, no watchdog loop.
All edge connectors & wires had good continuity.
Noticed c5 clip mod was present. Not relevant to repair solution.

Getting to the point. Even though DC voltages were okay measured at the A/R board, AC test of big blue indicated presence of 3VAC.
Big blue was original, manufactured 1978. Replaced with new.
Board now boots , responds to input, plays all sounds, p1 & p2 have good blink. Screen has display and spot killer is off, but horizontal collapse is present ("G05-801").
ship fire and saucer fire sounds not right the players ship fire and the saucer fire sounds were very soft low pitched buzzes (bzzt, bzzt, bzzt) replaced 4016B at location M10 (rev 05 board) and now have the correct pew, pew, pew sounds for both ship fire and saucer fire Fixed
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