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Here you will find all the latest news of what's happening with the Arcade Restoration Workshop! 
12/31/1999 12:00 AM
Its the last update for the Year! Ok, I added a couple of new links on the left! I finally answered all my email! I don't mind answering questions, but please be specific and to the point. "My Game doesn't work, please fix it" is not going to get you an answer. Also, "demands for help" get deleted. Also, I will not call anyone to help. I will attempt to help via email if I can, but that's it. If you're local, and I have time, I would be willing to help in person if I know I can help. Please keep your questions short as well, I would hate to have you write a 500 word email for my to only say "Sorry, I don't know". Good examples would be, "When I power up my Donkey Kong, I get a gabled screen, what could cause this?" Ok, now that I have that off my chest :-) I did a little more work on Popeye and it turns out that part of the PS was unplugged. Now it powers up but the screen shakes, there is some garbage on the screen and the self test shows garbage where there should be characters. I have a feeling that its just a bad EPROM so I am working on reading all the EPROMS and comparing them with the version from MAME. If they are bad, then I'll just burn a new EPROM and hopefully that will fix it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! (read this part at Midnight )

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2/6/2021 12:29:47 PM
So my Galaga died today...
I'm not sure if it's coincidence or related, but I was turning the power off on my Defender by the power switch under the control panel at the exact time it failed. The switch was a bit tough to toggle so it was like in the half way position when it happened. Both games are on the same circuit.
8/21/2017 11:10:28 PM
Restoration/Preservation has begun on my Kickman.
It's not a full restoration, but more of a preservation of what is there.  I like trying to keep things as original as possible.  With that in mind, I can take a few chances on this one as the damage is already done.  I'm mainly trying to prevent even more damage when I can.  Worse comes to worse, I'll do a full restore on it down the road. 
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