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Here you will find all the latest news of what's happening with the Arcade Restoration Workshop! 
9/26/2004 12:00 AM
Holly Cow! It's another update!

Yes, it's true, I am actually adding content too! I added a new section to the site called "Repair Log". When I first created this site, I wanted to mainly focus on rebuilding the games and not worry so much about repairing them. My reasoning at the time was that there were a lot of repair sites out there at the time, and I wasn't really repairing anything other than minor stuff.

However, as time went on, I realized that wasn't going to hold true for very long. As anyone who has collected games for any period of time will tell you, repairing games is an on-going affair. If you are unable to repair your games, or unwilling to do so, you'll probably spend a lot of money getting them fixed, or you'll have a game room full of broken games.

There are still several very good sites for finding information on how to repair games, and I suggest that if you are trying to fix your games, you should read as much as you can from as many different sources as you can.

I will be documenting what I fix (or in some cases, make worse) here, so that others can bennefit as I have from other sites. As with everything else on here, I will have as many pictures as I can to help illustrate the problems and solutions.

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2/6/2021 12:29:47 PM
So my Galaga died today...
I'm not sure if it's coincidence or related, but I was turning the power off on my Defender by the power switch under the control panel at the exact time it failed. The switch was a bit tough to toggle so it was like in the half way position when it happened. Both games are on the same circuit.
8/21/2017 11:10:28 PM
Restoration/Preservation has begun on my Kickman.
It's not a full restoration, but more of a preservation of what is there.  I like trying to keep things as original as possible.  With that in mind, I can take a few chances on this one as the damage is already done.  I'm mainly trying to prevent even more damage when I can.  Worse comes to worse, I'll do a full restore on it down the road. 
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