About this site Last Updated on: 11/14/2012

Welcome to the Arcade Restoration Workshop!

This site was born out of my obsession with collecting and fixing up arcade games. This site will hopefully provide a good starting place for those who share my obsession. I have tried to make it easy for people to find the information they need quickly and easily. This is a difficult undertaking considering that there is SO much information to go through.
This site is 100% database driven and has been rewritten from the ground up since it's previous incarnations.  I've added the Search capabilities to help you find the information you are looking for quickly and easily.
Over the years, I've taught myself how to repair the PCB's (I'm still learning, and have a long way to go!) and have collected a lot of PCB's that I have no idea what they are.  I see this all the time with other collectors as well, and decided it was time to create several databases to help.
The first is a PCB identification database. 
The second database is for Arcade Parts in general.  I've come across parts I've picked up over the years and couldn't for the life of me remember what they were for.  Again, this is a common problem in the community and I figured that this would also be a very useful database.
The third database is for Repair Logs.   While learning to Repair PCB's, it's always useful to see how other people have fixed issues.  For me, this will the most valuable resource as I keep learning to repair PCB's.  
Unlike the previous versions of my site, I now have the ability to allow others to contribute to the content of the site through the databases above.  My hope is that this site can provide a central location that people can use to document the PCB's out there and how to fix them.
With the help of the community, I hope that the databases grow and become a valuable resource for others as well as myself. 

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Date Posted: 10/30/2020 12:11 PM
Posted By: Bryan Severance
Comment: Random email here. Looking for expert part locaters!! Can you find any old part thru junk/salvage yards, restoration companies, and other contacts? Than we would love to speak to you! I work at Hit + Run Creative in NYC and we are currently developing a new television series for a large streaming network, in which we are trying to find expert salvagers who know how to find all sorts of old parts and pieces. Whether you are good at finding airplane parts, carnival parts, rusty car parts, or old toy/machine parts… one of them or all of the above. We want to find the people that can hunt down the rarest of rare parts, when everyone else has given up! For more info on the series, please email or call me anytime. I look forward to speaking! Bryan Severance 732.673.2456
Date Posted: 2/8/2018 3:15 AM
Posted By: Victor
Comment: Dear Sir. We are in South Africa (far, I know) my dad has many PCBs but the main question I want to ask is: Do you restore Vintage Games from the 1930's up? Thank you
Date Posted: 9/9/2013 4:23 AM
Posted By: Lisa Smith
Comment: Hi arcaderestoration.com team,

I was browsing your site and was impressed by its rich and comprehensive content. It's apparent that you put much thought and effort into it, and offer your audience great value.

I'm working with a high-quality gaming site, and we're looking for equally professional sites with which to cooperate.

I was wondering whether it would be possible to buy a sponsored post on your site. We have top-notch writers working with us, who can supply your site with additional appealing and crowd-drawing content. If you're interested, I'd be glad to send you examples of their work.

Alternately, we would be glad to buy an advertising space on your site.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any question you might have.

Looking forward to your response,
Lisa Smith

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