Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by Konami, Released in 1990
ROM Version: Trigon (Japan)
Dip Switch:SW2
OffOff      Lives2
OnOff      3*
OffOn      5
OnOn      7
   OffOff   Bonus Life100K, 400K
   OnOff   150K, 500K*
   OffOn   200K Only
   OnOn   None
     OffOn DifficultyDifficult
     OffOff Easy
     OnOff Normal*
     OnOn Very Difficult
       OffDemo SoundsOff
Dip Switch:SW3
Off       Flip ScreenOff*
On       On
 Off      SoundMono
 On      Stereo*
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