Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by Stern Electronics, Released in 1982
ROM Version: Tazz-Mania (set 1)
Dip Switch:IN1
Off       Lives3*
On       5
 Off      Demo SoundsOff
 On      On*
Dip Switch:IN2
 OffOn     CoinageA 1/1 B 1/1*
 OnOn     A 1/2 B 2/1
 OnOff     A 1/3 B 3/1
 OffOff     A 1/4 B 4/1
   On    CabinetCocktail
   Off    Upright*
ROM Version: Tazz-Mania (set 2, alt hardware)
Dip Switch:IN1
Off       Lives3*
On       5
 Off      Demo SoundsOff
 On      On*
Dip Switch:IN2
 OffOn     Coinage1 Coin/1 Credit*
 OnOn     Coin A 1/2 Coin B 2/1
 OnOff     Coin A 1/3 Coin B 3/1
 OffOff     Coin A 1/4 Coin B 4/1
   On    CabinetCocktail
   Off    Upright*
    Off   UnknownOff*
    On   On
     Off  Off*
     On  On
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