Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by ADP, Released in 1985
ROM Version: Spiel Bude (German)
Dip Switch:DSW1
On       Game STRATEGIEOff
Off       On*
 On      Game MITTE TRIFFTOff
 Off      On*
  On     Game KNOBELNOff
  Off     On*
   On    Game BLACK JACKOff
   Off    On*
    On   Game CONTINENTALOff
    Off   On*
     On  Game 5 LINIEN SPIELOff
     Off  On*
      OffOnMax Bet SettingsPlay 1 bet by hand
      OffOffPlay 1 to 10 bets*
      OnOffPlay 1 to 20 bets
      OnOnPlay 1 to 50 bets
Dip Switch:DSW2
OnOffOff     Main Game rate75%
OffOnOff     80%
OffOffOff     85%*
OffOffOn     90%
   Off    UnknownOff*
   On    On
    Off   Off*
    On   On
     Off  Off*
     On  On
      Off Off*
      On On
       OffHold Buttons BehaviourDiscard
Dip Switch:DSW3
Off       UnknownOff*
On       On
 Off      Off*
 On      On
  Off     Off*
  On     On
   Off    Off*
   On    On
    Off   Off*
    On   On
     Off  Off*
     On  On
      Off Off*
      On On
Dip Switch:DSW4
Off       UnknownOff*
On       On
 Off      Off*
 On      On
  Off     Off*
  On     On
   Off    Off*
   On    On
    Off   Off*
    On   On
     Off  Off*
     On  On
      Off Off*
      On On
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