Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by Nichibutsu, Released in 1992
ROM Version: Mahjong Koi Uranai (Japan set 1)
Dip Switch:DSWA
OffOffOff     Difficulty1 (Easy)*
OnOffOff     2
OffOnOff     3
OnOnOff     4
OffOffOn     5
OnOffOn     6
OffOnOn     7
OnOnOn     8 (Hard)
   Off    Coinage1 Coin/1 Credit*
   On    1 Coin/2 Credits
    Off   Character Display TestOff*
    On   On
     On  Flip ScreenOff*
     Off  On
      Off DIPSW 1-7Off*
      On On
       OffGraphic ROM TestOff*
Dip Switch:DSWB
Off       DIPSW 2-1Off*
On       On
 Off      DIPSW 2-2Off*
 On      On
  Off     DIPSW 2-3Off*
  On     On
   Off    DIPSW 2-4Off*
   On    On
    Off   DIPSW 2-5Off*
    On   On
     Off  DIPSW 2-6Off*
     On  On
      Off DIPSW 2-7Off*
      On On
       OffDIPSW 2-8Off*
ROM Version: Mahjong Koi Uranai (Japan set 2)
Dip Switch:DSWA
OffOffOff     Difficulty1 (Easy)*
OnOffOff     2
OffOnOff     3
OnOnOff     4
OffOffOn     5
OnOffOn     6
OffOnOn     7
OnOnOn     8 (Hard)
   Off    Coinage1 Coin/1 Credit*
   On    1 Coin/2 Credits
    Off   Character Display TestOff*
    On   On
     On  Flip ScreenOff*
     Off  On
      Off DIPSW 1-7Off*
      On On
       OffGraphic ROM TestOff*
Dip Switch:DSWB
Off       DIPSW 2-1Off*
On       On
 Off      DIPSW 2-2Off*
 On      On
  Off     DIPSW 2-3Off*
  On     On
   Off    DIPSW 2-4Off*
   On    On
    Off   DIPSW 2-5Off*
    On   On
     Off  DIPSW 2-6Off*
     On  On
      Off DIPSW 2-7Off*
      On On
       OffDIPSW 2-8Off*
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