Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by bootleg, Released in 1988
ROM Version: Fighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg)
Dip Switch:DSW1
OnOn      CabinetCocktail (2 Players)
OffOn      Cocktail (4 Players)
OffOff      Upright (With VS)*
OnOff      Upright (Without VS)
  OffOff    VersionEurope
  OffOn    Europe*
  OnOff    Japan
  OnOn    USA
    OffOff  Coin A1 Coin/1 Credit*
    OnOff  2 Coins/1 Credit
    OffOn  3 Coins/1 Credit
    OnOn  4 Coins/1 Credit
      OnOnCoin B1 Coin/2 Credits*
      OffOn1 Coin/3 Credits
      OnOff1 Coin/4 Credits
      OffOff1 Coin/6 Credits
Dip Switch:DSW2
On       Allow ContinueNo
Off       Yes*
 Off      Flip ScreenOff*
 On      On
  OnOff    Game ModeDemo Sound Off
  OffOff    Demo Sound On*
  OnOn    Freeze
  OffOn    Win Match Against CPU (Cheat)
    OffOnOn Play Time (Type A)1:00
    OnOffOff 1:10
    OffOnOff 1:20
    OnOnOff 1:30
    OffOffOn 1:40
    OnOffOn 1:50
    OffOffOff 2:00*
    OnOnOn 2:10
ROM Version: Fighting Soccer (Joystick hack bootleg, alt)
Dip Switch:DSW1
OnOn      CabinetCocktail (2 Players)
OffOn      Cocktail (4 Players)
OffOff      Upright (With VS)*
OnOff      Upright (Without VS)
  OffOff    VersionEurope
  OffOn    Europe*
  OnOff    Japan
  OnOn    USA
    OffOff  Coin A1 Coin/1 Credit*
    OnOff  2 Coins/1 Credit
    OffOn  3 Coins/1 Credit
    OnOn  4 Coins/1 Credit
      OnOnCoin B1 Coin/2 Credits*
      OffOn1 Coin/3 Credits
      OnOff1 Coin/4 Credits
      OffOff1 Coin/6 Credits
Dip Switch:DSW2
On       Allow ContinueNo
Off       Yes*
 Off      Flip ScreenOff*
 On      On
  OnOff    Game ModeDemo Sound Off
  OffOff    Demo Sound On*
  OnOn    Freeze
  OffOn    Win Match Against CPU (Cheat)
    OffOnOn Play Time (Type A)1:00
    OnOffOff 1:10
    OffOnOff 1:20
    OnOnOff 1:30
    OffOffOn 1:40
    OnOffOn 1:50
    OffOffOff 2:00*
    OnOnOn 2:10
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