Arcade Restoration Workshop

Dedicated to the restoration and preservation of arcade games.
Dip switches used by this game
Manufactured by Sega, Released in 1989
ROM Version: Wrestle War (set 1, Japan) (FD1094 317-0090)
Dip Switch:SW2
 Off      Demo SoundsOff
 On      On*
  OnOn    Round Time100
  OffOff    110*
  OnOff    120
  OffOn    130
     On  Allow ContinueNo
     Off  Yes*
ROM Version: Wrestle War (set 2, World) (FD1094 317-0102)
Dip Switch:SW2
 Off      Demo SoundsOff
 On      On*
  OnOn    Round Time100
  OffOff    110*
  OnOff    120
  OffOn    130
     On  Allow ContinueNo
     Off  Yes*
ROM Version: Wrestle War (set 3, World) (8751 317-0103)
Dip Switch:SW2
 Off      Demo SoundsOff
 On      On*
  OnOn    Round Time100
  OffOff    110*
  OnOff    120
  OffOn    130
     On  Allow ContinueNo
     Off  Yes*
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